Questions to myself at 3:15am:
1. Why is the Goodnight Moon book out?
2. Did Bill read Camille Goodnight Moon last night?
3. When would he have read it to her?
4. Was it out for the midnight feeding? (no)
5. How did the nipple shield (don't ask) get on top of the book?
6. Did Bill come read her the book and move the nipple shield?
7. When would he have come in here?
8. Would I have noticed Bill take Camille out of her bassinet right by our bed and bring her in here?
9. Did Bill take Camille out of her bassinet, come into her room, grab the book, read the story, pick up the nipple shield from the midnight feeding, put it on top of the book, bring Camille back to bed and return to bed himself all without me noticing?
10. Am I sleep-reading stories to my child?
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