Saturday, October 25, 2008

New Pillows, Old(er) Body

About a week ago I woke up with a very sore neck.  Couldn't turn my head, ached all day, etc.  I slathered on Icy Hot, popped some Advil, and fully expected that I would wake up the next day fully recovered.  Afterall, every other time I've woken up with a stiff neck it just takes a good night sleep and...Voila! all better.  Alas, this was not the case.  Because I have, in fact, started to age.

It happens to all of us.  We notice it at different times, for different reasons.  Squinting at the newspaper, tiny wrinkles at the corners of our mouths, one tiny cookie turning into tight pants and an unattractive roll at the top of our jeans.  You know what I'm talking about.  It is inevitable.  Just when we think that maybe we have dodged the dreaded age-bullet, another gray hair sprouts up on our heads just to p$ss us off.  Anyway, back to my neck.

The pain lasted in various degrees for about two weeks.  This is when I decided that we need a new bed.  Unfortunately, my husband and our bank account do not agree with my logic.  So, off to the store to buy a new pillow.    First I checked online for advice and found out that if you fold your pillow in half and it doesn't unfold on its own, it needs to be replaced.  Pillows should definitely be replaced every 2-3 years, which struck me as funny.  I think I had my pillow on my bed as a child for, well, my entire childhood.  While gross when you think about it, I had not a single stiff neck.  And now, this pillow, which is only a year and a half old, is the biggest pain in the neck of all.

In the end, I bought a contour pillow.  And while I hope it solves my sore neck woes, it will also serve as a reminder that I am young no more.

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