Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Too much at once!

At Camille's four month appointment the doctor told us that we should be moving her to her crib and we should stop swaddling her.  Since she was tiny, our experience has been that if she is swaddled, she will sleep longer.  Part of this was probably that they told us to do it in the hospital, Camille is a preemie, and we felt that developmentally, she needed the comfort of the tight swaddle to sleep.  Now, at 12.5 pounds and four months, we are supposed to stop the swaddle so she can comfortably and safely move at night.

We knew that changing her routine so drastically on the night she had her shots was a bad idea, so Bill and I put Camille to bed in her normal routine (swaddle and bassinet) and figured we'd start with the crib tomorrow, get her used to that and then remove the swaddle.

Unfortunately Camille was super fussy last night, woke up early (ironically, she was out of her swaddle for the first time ever) and fussed during her late night feeding.  I made a judgement call and put her in a Halo sleepsack but feared that she would be too cold.  We swapped it for a long-sleeved, fleece sleep blanket and I just put her down so I could pump.

The temperature thing is a problem because Bill and I sleep much better when cool.  I'm afraid without the swaddle she is going to be too cold in just a sleep sack (Halo's are sleeveless).  When we move her out of the crib we can close the heat vent in our room and that might help.

Not sure why I started this blog so early in the morning.  Wish us luck on the sleep-front.  Well, mainly me since I'm the one who suffers if she doesn't sleep well.


Lori said...

I'm not going to lie, sleep transitions are tough. But hopefully it will just take a few days for her to adjust. In the meanwhile, good luck and hang in there!

The Mowery Family said...

I totally had the same problem but when Logan started kicking out the swaddle I was afraid he would suffocate on the blanket (I constantly worry about SIDS). I put Logan in a onesie, blanket sleeper, and sleep sack in his own crib. I have a thermometer in there so if gets too cold or warm I know (it projects the temp. to my alarm clock). He seems to do just fine. I keep the temp. around 65 degrees and I figure he'll scream if he is cold. If you guys are hot open a window.