Monday, November 16, 2009

Take a Chill Pill

Bill went to the Duck game on Saturday with his friend. I stayed home for two very important reasons. First, I had a first birthday party to attend and it was AWESOME!! Second, I didn’t want to go this time. Late night November games means that it is cold and usually rainy. I’m a fair weather fan.

It was a really late game too. Kick off was 7:20 which means that the game wasn’t over until after 10:30. Add an hour to get back to your car and get out of the parking lot plus a two hour drive and that equals Bill not expected home until after 1:30 in the morning.

Normal people would have gone to bed. I’m not normal, so I knew that it was going to be a late night.

A lot of people asked me if I couldn’t sleep because Bill was gone. That isn’t exactly the problem. If Bill had been staying all night in Eugene, I would have been fine: bed at 10:30, sleep till 7. But knowing he would be coming home, I couldn’t relax. I went to bed, but I kept needing to check the clock. I tried to sleep, I really did, but I was too anxious. If I dozed for a little bit, I’d wake and my heart would start racing.

It isn’t that I’m worried about being home alone. I have deadbolts, an alarm system and a perfectly intimidating golden retriever fast asleep in his crate. I’m just nervous about Bill. I am an expert at playing the “What If?” game and driving home in the middle of the night after a football game is loaded with what ifs.

Luckily, little sleep for both of us meant nothing more than a lazy Sunday. But it was annoying. Annoying because I worried myself sleepless and more annoying because I knew it was going to happen.

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