Sunday, November 29, 2009

Two posts left!!

Can you believe it? 30 posts in 30 days and only today and tomorrow to go! I'm very proud of myself because barring any natural disaster or kidnapping, it appears I'm going to make my goal. Of all the blogs I read, many of experienced bloggers, only one even came close, missing only one day. Either this means I'm awesome, or I need to find some better blogs to read!

The blogs I enjoy the most are not those of professional bloggers but rather the ones by friends and family who update me on their children and pets and the events of their lives. I used to think that in order to post I needed to have something profound or humorous to say, but really, the people that read this blog are probably like me in that they enjoy some of the day-to-day stuff too. So though I won't continue the daily posts, I will post more frequently than the rare and sudden burst of create genius that hit me and inspire posts.

I hope you have enjoyed my month of ramblings. Most of you are lurkers and I encourage you to comment now and again. Makes me feel less like I'm posting this stuff on some cyber bathroom wall.

1 comment:

Short Round said...

I love your blog. It makes me feel like I see you more often than I do. I think I will miss you not posting every day. I will be "lurking", just waiting for your next post. I guess this means I will need to see you more often in person. :)